Robots, Puppies, and Hermit Crabs-Oh my!
These are the summer interests for my kids. After being inspired by a recent post at Chicken Spaghetti and then linking to it in my previous post on summer reading, I asked my kids what they would like to most explore this summer. My six year old would love to explore robots. My four year old puppies, and my three year old is currently fascinated by our pet hermit crabs.
Here is a list of robot resources for anyone else that needs more on this topic. I will post later on hermit crabs and puppies.
Can You See What I See (The first in the series) by Walter Wick
My six year has loved these books since he was two. We have all of them! We find them more interesting than the I Spy books since there is a little character Seymour that appears in every picture and it can be a challenge to find him. In this book, there is a two page spread with a large diagram of a tin-can robot with metal parts surrounding the diagram.
We have spent alot of time searching for the drawn parts in the pile of junk on the page. At the end of the book right before the end papers is the actual built robot chasing Seymour!
Can You See What I See-Cool Collections by Walter Wick
In this book one of the collections feature robots. In the "About the Book" section, the author gives credit to a robot collector for allowing Walter to use his robots in his photograph. My son has one of the robots in the picture and would like to own many more. I have found many collectible robots at
Can You See What I See-Dream Machine by Walter Wick
This book has robots here and there throughout. It's futuristic theme is also very appealing.
My Little Blue Robot by Stephen T. Johnson
We have ordered this book and are impatiently waiting for it to arrive. Each page holds parts to a robot that the child can build and the robot talks!
Benjamin McFadden and the Robot Babysitter by Timothy Bush
This book is a favorite bedtime read. It's review from School Library journal was not as favorable but nearly every parent review on Amazon sings praises for a book their children love. Adding a babysitter robot voice also adds tremendously!
Rolie Polie Olie by William Joyce.
We loved Olie in book form before we ever watched the Disney show.
Hello Robots! by Bob Staake
This story is completely done in computer graphics making it futuristic in both design and topic. This is a great read aloud.
Since my six year old also has some beginning reading skills, I am always on the lookout for good early readers that include his interests. We have found:If I Had A Robot Dog by Andrea Baruffi
See Otto by David Milgrim
Alien and Possum: Friends No Matter What by Tony Johnston illustrated by Toni Diterlizzi (Alien is a robot!)
We plan on making tin robots this summer. We have directions from an old copy of Martha Stewart Kids Magazine. I could only find Tin-can Robot Dog Directions online.
-4m sells a robot making kit
-A blog on robots from the Robot Society-Robot Gossip
-If you have $250.00 to spend, Lego makes a very cool robot kit.
Finally, I must mention that one of the reasons he gravitates towards robots is because he is a huge Transformers fan. He watches the cartoon and has collected the action figures for three years. He is amazing in his abilities to follow directions and "transform" them from car to robot, figuring out details I would have never noticed.
If you have any other resources to share, please leave a comment! We are lacking in our non-fiction resources. Thanks!
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