Thursday, April 26, 2007

More on Mo!

It was truly an ordeal to get to Mo on Tuesday night. Before I could get my kids in the car, two out of three fell asleep on the floor. Did I change my mind and decide not to go? Of course not. I picked them up, carried them gently to the car and buckled their seat belts very quietly. Amazingly, they stayed asleep. The drive wasn't too bad. Milford, NH is about a 40-45 minute drive from Windham. It is actually about 20 miles, but the road to get there is full of stop lights and many, many businesses. I had never been to the Toadstool Bookshop and although I did not browse, it is definitely a place I will return to when I have more time. When we arrived, I was expecting a big long line out of the store. Doesn't everyone else from a 40 minute distance want to see Mo too??? Thankfully for us, there was no line and when we arrived in the store 10 minutes early, there were just a couple other fans milling about. We went to the book table to choose some books to sign and then I had my kids sit down to prepare for Mo's talk. I am not sure what any of us expected. He is very tall and very funny. When he speaks he appeals to kids and adults equally. He and a couple volunteers did a very cute Reader's Theater of Today I Will Fly! I don't mean to brag, but the way Mo reads his books is exactly the way I read them. Maybe this isn't about me being so great as much as it is about his great books. Although we already had copies of his two new early readers, I bought two more copies to have signed. I am going to give my unsigned copies to the library since they do not have them. Is it selfish for me to want the signed ones?? Today I Can Fly! also happens to be the first book my son read to us at bedtime! In response, Mo wrote, "You Rock" in my son's book. I also bought a pigeon board book for my two year old who used it to hide behind while Mo was speaking. For myself, I purchased You Can Never Find A Rickshaw When It Monsoons-The World on One Cartoon a Day.
Oh, and by the time the presentation was done,

You can find more on Mo's new books Today I Can Fly! and My Friend is Sad at:
Pigeon Presents
MotherReader is a huge Mo fan. I love reading her Mo related posts!
Reviews at:
Fuse #8

1 comment:

Vivian Mahoney said...

How fun! Sounds like a wonderful time.